AGI in the News Archive
A selection of AGI research and policy analysis featured in the media (PDF files)
EC (Bob Smith, Salon)
Period Piece Women Get Their Revolution in Birth Control--Sort Of (Sharon Lerner, The Village Voice)
How George Bush Will Ban Abortion (Michelle Goldberg, Salon)
Improved Access To Emergency Contraception Could Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies and Abortions and Save New York $450 Million Annually (Office of the New York State Comptroller, Press Release )
Symposium Question: Should Congress Be Giving More Financial Support to Abstinence-only Education? (Cory Richards, Insight)
Tracking Numbers (Beth Frederick, letter to the editor, Washington Times)
Doctors Wary of Partial-Birth Abortion Law (Carol Cruzan Morton, Boston Globe)
City Teen Birth Rate at 4-decade Low (David Khan,
Emergency Contraception Helps Women Avoid Pregnancy (Kathryn B. Brow, Blue Mountain Eagle)
Senate OKs Ban on Partial Birth Abortion Law (Janet Hook, Los Angeles Times)
State Can't Afford to Cut Family Planning Programs (Editorial, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Contraceptive Emergency (Heather Boonstra, Letter to the Editor, Conscience)
Unexpectedly Expecting: Pregnant After 40 (Carey Goldberg, Boston Globe)
Chastity Pressed on US Teens (Clare Murphy, BBC News)
School Abstinence Programs Bad for Teens? (Steve Mitchell, UPI)
Comprehensive Care (Beth Fredrick, letter to the editor, New Republic)
HPV Language in AIDS Bill Could Discourage Condom Use (Feminist Daily Daily News Wire)
Rise in Teen Sexual Activity Surprise to Area Teen (The Onion)
More Junk Science (Mother Jones)
Straightforward Sex Education Now Here (Donald A. Collins, Population Press)
Tapestry Internships Take Off (Lisa Roberge, GazetteNET)
Volunteer Drivers Hold Keys to Abortion Access (Karen Shugart, Women's eNews)
"Partial birth' outcry really a ploy to end all abortions" (Op-Ed, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
""AIDS Bill to Export 'Abstinence Only' to Africa" " (Peggy Simpson, Women's eNews)
"Lawmakers, hospitals struggle with status of emergency contraceptives" (Pamela Brogan, The Baxter Bulletin)
"Birth control gets new look and feel" (Kristin Gerencher, CBS Market Watch)
"Out of the time warp" (Anna Quindlen, Newsweek)
"Women having earlier abortions; 'morning-after' pill use rises" (Carey Goldberg, Boston Globe)
"Abortion providers fewest in 30 years" (Ceci Connolly, Washington Post)
"30 years after Roe v. Wade, new trends but the old debate" (Kate Zernike, The New York Times)
"30 years after Roe, social rift persists" (Sherry Jacobson, The Dallas Morning News)
Bush's Anti-Choice Policies Felt Around World (Asjylyn Loder, Women's Enews)
Use of RU-486 in Idaho unclear" (Dan Gallagher, AP Idaho)
"Abortion rates fall, but issues still divide" (Marie McCullough, Philadelphia Inquirer/Knight Ridder)
"Study finds U.S.â abortion rate lowest since 1974" (Matt Leinging, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)
"Study: abortion pill accounted for 6 percent of U.S. abortions" (Amy Westfeldt, AP)
"Study Praises 'Morning-after Pill'" (Rita Ruben, USA Today)
"After Long Hiatus, New Contraceptives Emerge" (Leslie Berger, New York Times)
"Teaching Teens About Sex" (Richard Trubo, WebMD)
"Where Now for Uganda's HIV?" (Joan Mugenzi,
"A Simple One Word Answer" (Anna Quindlen Newsweek)
"Abortion Rates Decline in Late 1990s" (Cheryl Wetzstein, Washington Times)
"The School of Safe Sex" (Liz Langley, Orlando Weekly)
"Depo Provera, Bone loss: The Picture Is Still Fuzzy" (Richard Ochs, Newsday)
"Parents Lobby for Less Sex in Sex Ed" (Amy Klein, The Detroit Free Press)
"To Teens Mother's Opinion Matters When It Comes to Sex" (H. J. Cummins, The Minneapolis Star Tribune)
"Risky Sex Education" (Sara Seims, letter in the New York Times)
"Shaming Young Mothers" (Nicholas D. Kristoff in the New York Times)
"Study: Notification Law Could Cut Girls' Use of Family Planning Clinics"
(Josephine Marcotty for the
"How to Get Your Company to Pay for the Pill" (Ann Marie Chaker for The Wall Street Journal Online)
"Crisis Pregnancy Centers Pose Threat to Women's Health Choices" (Kim Krisberg, The Nation's Health, Washington, D.C., August 2002)
"Newest Skill for Future Ob-Gyns: Abortion Training" (Linda Villarosa The New York Times)
"Risky Business" (Anna Mulrine from U.S. News and World Report)
"Congress Tied Up By Abortion" (Juliet Eilperin from The Chicago Tribune)
"Cutting Teen Pregnancy Rate As Simple as A, B, C" (Janice Billingsley from
"Impact of Abstinence Programs Unclear" (Salynn Boyles from
"Simple Site for Straight Talk on Sex" (Melissa Jones from the Sacramento Bee)
"The Perils of Teen Sex" (Agnes Bongers from the Hamilton Spectator)
"Sexual Revolution Hits Junior High" (Kim Painter from USA Today)
"Men's Reproductive Health Care Gets New Emphasis" (Sheryl Gay Stolberg from the New York Times)
"Some States Rejecting Abstinence-Only Sex Ed" (Rebecca Vesely from Women's Enews)
"Anatomy Lesson" (Cheryl Wetzstein from The Washington Times)
"Abstinence-Only Initiative Advancing" (Sheryl Gay Stolberg from the New York Times)
"A Looming Threat We Won't Face" (Paul R. Ehrlich and Katherine Ellison from the Los Angeles Times)
"Abortion is Legal" (Melanie Howard from Self)
"Is 'Abstinence-Only' Education Child Abuse?" (Donald Collins from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)
"Access to 72-Hour Birth Control Pushed" (Cheryl Wetzstein from The Washington Times)
"A New Kind of Abortion War" (Sharon Lerner from The Village Voice)
"Missing in Action: The Male Pill" (Glamour))
"Abortion Clinics Deserve Protection" (Erwin Chemerinsky and Katherine Spillar from The Los Angeles Times)
"U.S. Teen Birth Rate High in Comparison" (Rita Rubin from USA Today)
"U.S. Lags Behind in Cutting Teen Births" (Julia Sommerfeld from MSNBC)
"Weekly Patch Gets FDA Approval as Contraceptive Device Ortho Evra is Found as Effective as Pills" (Rita Rubin from USA Today)
"Parents Influence Sex Behavior" (Theresa Walker from The Orange County Register)
"Offering Patients More Choices is the Newest Thing in Contraception" (Evan Henerson from the Los Angeles Daily News)
"The Partial-Birth Fraud" (Chris Black from The American Prospect)
"New Options, New Politics" (Ellen Chesler from The American Prospect)
"Easier Access for 'Morning-After' Pill" (Emily Bazar from the Sacramento Bee)
"The Future of Birth Control" (Barbara Feder and Julie Sevrens Lyons from The San Jose Mercury News)
"Why Are Dutch Teens So Sexually Safe?" (Patrick Boyle from Youth Today)
"The Sound of Silence" ( Alyssa R. Rayman-Read from The American Prospect)
"Family Planning's Health Endangered" (an editorial by Sara Seims from the Los Angeles Times)
"Welcome to Peru... Where Pregnancy Can Kill You" (Randi Glatzer from Self)
"A Different Choice" (New York Newsday)
"At Last, Good News on the Family (Probably)" (The Economist)
"AIDS Breakthrough Finds Charitable Champions" (Mary Jacoby from the St. Petersburg Times)
"Teens Likely to Use Condoms With Similar Partner" (Suzanne Rostler from Reuters Health)
"Russian Youth Face Looming AIDS Crisis" (Alan Mozes from Reuters Health)
"Pill Popping: The Debate Over Whether Oral Contraceptives Should Be Covered By Insurance Misses the Real Point" (Sara Rimensnyder from
"Product to Protect Women from HIV is Elusive" (Sharon Lerner from The New York Times)
"High Noon for the Morning-After Pill" (Janelle Brown from
"Abstinence-only Sex Education Robs Kids of Information on Prevention" (Catherine A. Hanssens from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
"Judge Orders Firm to Cover Birth Control" (Sarah Schafer from The Washington Post)
"How AIDS Changed America" (Huntly Collins from The Philadelphia Inquirer)
"A Question of Fetal Rights, or Politics?" (Stephanie Simon from The Los Angeles Times)
"Forum: Why Johnny Can't Screw" (Susie Bright from Playboy)
"Oral Sex: Tell Teens It's Not Without Risk" (from Contraceptive Technology Update)
"Planned Booklet on Fetus Stirs Debate on Abortion" (Tammie Smith from the Richmond Times-Dispatch)
"Sex, Lies and Politics" (Marjorie Heins from The Nation)
"Round One in Abortion Fight" (Gia Fenoglio from the National Journal)
"Scope of Sex Education Varies Widely" (Jody Temkin from The Chicago Tribune)
"Teen STD Rates Highlight a Growing Public Health Concern" (Jill Burcum from the Minneapolis Star Tribune)
"More Teen Abstaining From Sex, Survey Shows" (Wendy Y. Lawton from The Oregonian)
Aborted Thinking" (Marguerite Holloway from Scientific American)
"When is Sex Not Sex?" (Barbara Cooke from the Chicago Tribune)
"Late-Term Abortion Providers Dwindling" (Larry Tye from the Boston Globe)
"'Morning-After' Pill Offers Rare Common Ground" (USA Today)
"'Morning-After' Pill Offers Rare Common Ground" (USA Today)
"Deciding It's OK to Wait" (Stephanie Cook from The Christian Science Monitor)
"Girl and Boy, Interrupted" (Jenifer Hanrahan from the San Diego Union-Tribune)
"The Time has Dawned for 'Morning-After' Contraception" (Judy Foreman from the Boston Globe)
Seeking Safe Sex-- Without Condoms" (from The Chicago Sun-Times)
"Confusing our Teens on 'Temptation Mainland'" (Ellen Goodman from the Seattle Times)
"President's 1st Step May Be Telling One" (Edwin Chen and Alissa J. Rubin from The Los Angeles Times)
"Access Denied" (Miranda Kennedy from
"Virginity Pledges by Teenagers Can be Highly Effective" (Diana Jean Schemo from The New York Times)
"As Abortion Rate Decreases, Clinics Compete for Patients" (Gina Kolata from The New York Times)
"EVMS Studies New Contraceptive" (Liz Szabo from The Virginian-Pilot)
"Is Oral Sex Really Sex" (Nicolle Charbonneau from
"Teach Your Children Well" (Michael Castleman from
"Refugees: Journal Examines Reproductive Health Needs, Services" (UN Wire)
"For Women: Safer Sex" (Shari Roan from the Los Angeles Times)
"Report Shows How Contraceptive Coverage is a Cost-Effective Benefit" (Susan Howell from Health Care Quality: Insights and Outcomes)
"Sex Education Faulted" (Ken Schroeder from Education Digest)
"State Medicaid Programs Grapple with RU-486" (Chris Gearon from Reuters)
"A Little Pill But a Big Dispute" (David Whitman and Stacey Schultz from U.S. News & World Report)
"Mobilizing the Family Planning Vote" (Judy Mann from The Washington Post)
"Abstinence Education Growing" (Adrienne D. Coles from The Washington Post)
"FDA Approves Abortion Pill" (Jacqueline Stenson from
"Leaving Kids in the Dark" (Ephrat Livni from
"Cut Down on Out-of-Wedlock Births, Win Cash" (Tamar Lewin from The New York Times)
"Body Politics" (Steve Fishman from Harpers Bazaar)
"36% of Religious Leader Discuss Family Planning in Mosques" (The Jordan Times) "The Male Pill" (Scot Lehigh from The Boston Globe)
"The Abortion Pill: Finally at Hand? (Shari Roan from The Los Angeles Times)
"Birth Control: Basic Health Care for Women" (Cory L. Richards from letter published in Washington Post)
"Pregnant Facts" (The Boston Globe)
"French Teen Pregnancy Campaign Reflects Openness About Sex" (Suzanne Rostler from Yahoo News)
"Court Strikes Down 'Partial Birth' Ban" (Geraldine Sealey from ABC
"Abortion-Rights Leader Fight FDA..." (Zimmerman & Glueck from the Wall Street Journal)
"Partial Truth Abortion" (Rosalie Magio from Ms.)
"The Pill Turns 40," (comprised of the forum articles appearing in the March/April 2000 Family Planning Perspectives) (
"The Naked Truth" (Newsweek)
"Considering 'Partial-Birth' Ban" (Geraldine Sealey from
"Bush and Texas Have Not Set High Priority on Health Care" (Adam Clymer from New York Times)
"The Face of Teenage Sex Grows Younger" (Anne Jarrell from The New York Times)
"Not Everybody's Doing It, and That Makes Virginity Actually Hip" (Kathleen Kelleher from the Los Angeles Times)
"The Jelly Revolution" (Deb Schwarz from Poz, the nation's leading magazine covering HIV and AIDS)
"Pregnant Pause: American Teens are Either Abstaining or Practicing Safe Sex" (Jenifer Joseph from
"Why I'd Risk My Life to Do Abortions" (David France from Glamour)
"Does Sex Ed Focused on Abstinence Work?" (Deborah L. Shelton from American Medical News)
"Failing Gains" (David Valdez Greenwood from The Boston Phoenix)
"Brazil Soberly Examines Soaring Teen Birthrate" (Stephen Buckley from The Washington Post)
"Abortions Are Down and Everybody Wants Credit" (Elissa Keeler Miller from
"Abortions Decline to Lowest Total Since 1975" (Associated Press from Miami Herald)
"Texas Agencies Ready for New Abortion Law" (Karen Brooks comes from Star-Telegram [TX])
"Abstinence Stressed in Most Sex Education Policies" (Jane Gibson Natt from Leadership News)
"Casual Sex Loses its Appeal for Youth" (Ruth Padawer comes the Bergen Record)
"Impact of Parental Notification on Teen-Age Abortions Unclear" (Deborah Yaffe from the Courier-Post (Cherry Hill, NJ))
"Board Blocks Student Access to Web Sites" (Anemona Hartocollis from The New York Times)
"The Aborted Crime Wave" (Marguerite Holloway from Scientific American)
"Congress, Clinton Near Deal on Abortion, U.N." (Associated Press comes from the San Jose Mercury News)
"The Abortion/Mental Health Nexus" (Julie Rovner of National Journal's Congress Daily AM)
"Who has Abortions?" (Peter Brimelow of Forbes)
"U.N. Population Clock Ticks Off 6 Billion People," (Evelyn Leopold of Reuters)
"Impact of Parental Notification on Teen-Age Abortions Unclear" (Deborah Yaffe from Courier-Post (Cherry Hill, NJ))
"Board Blocks Student Access to Web Sites" (Anemona Hartocollis from The New York Times)
"The Aborted Crime Wave" (Marguerite Holloway from Scientific American)
"Congress, Clinton Near Deal on Abortion, U.N." (Associated Press from the San Jose Mercury News)