The Guttmacher Report
International Family Planning Perspectives
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
fact sheets
Contraceptive Services (2005, fact sheet) [html] []
Contraceptive Use (2005, fact sheet) [html] []
Induced Abortion (US) (2003, fact sheet) [html] []
State Facts About Abortion (2003, fact sheets) [html & pdf]
Contraception Counts: State-by-state Comparative Data (2002, fact sheets) [html & pdf]
Sexual and Reproductive Health: Women and Men (2002, fact sheet) [html] []
Sexuality Education (2002, fact sheet) [html] []
State Policies in Brief (2002, fact sheets) [pdfs]
Family Planning Services in the U.S. in the Late 1990s: State and County Data (2001, fact sheet) [html]
Teenagers' Sexual and Reproductive Health (2001, fact sheet) [html] []
Induced Abortion Worldwide (1999, fact sheet) [html] []
Aborto inducido a nivel mundial (1999, fact sheet)
Sexuality and Abstinence Education Policies in U.S. Public School Districts (1999, fact sheet) [html]
Teen Sex and Pregnancy (1999, fact sheet) [html] []
policy analysis
Beyond Slogans: Lessons From Uganda's ABC Experience (2004, policy analysis) [html] []
Medicaid Family Planning Expansions Hit Stride (2004, policy analysis) [html] []
Preventing Unintended Pregnancy in the U.S. (2004, policy analysis) [html] []
The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health (2004, policy analysis) [html] []
The Role of Reproductive Health Providers in Preventing HIV (2004, policy analysis) [html] []
A Look at the U.S. Global AIDS Policy (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Emergency Contraception: Improving Access (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Emergency Contraception: Increasing Public Awareness (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Family Planning and the Fight Against Obesity (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Immigrants and Medicaid After Welfare Reform (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past be Prologue? (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Nowhere But Up: Rising Costs for Title X Clinics (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
The Cost of Contraceptive Insurance Coverage (2003, policy analysis) [html] []
Three Decades of Legal Abortion (2003, policy analysis) [html]
Family Planning Can Reduce High Infant Mortality Levels (2002, policy analysis) [html] []
Looking at Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs (2002, policy analysis) [html] []
New Medicaid Initiative, State Budget Woes Collide (2002, policy analysis) [html] []
Teen Pregnancy Trends and Lessons Learned (2002, policy analysis) [html] []
Women and Societies Benefit When Childbearing is Planned (2002, policy analysis) [html] []
Challenges Facing Family Planning Clinics and Title X (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
Community Health Centers (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
Expanding Eligibility and Outreach Under CHIP (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
Sex Education: Politicians, Parents, Teachers and Teens (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
State-Level Policies on Sexuality, STD Education (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
Title X: Three Decades of Accomplishment (2001, policy analysis) [html] []
Adolescent Care Standards and State CHIP Efforts (2000, policy analysis) [html] []
Revisiting Public Funding of Abortion for Poor Women (2000, policy analysis) [html] []
School Based Health Centers and the Birth Control Debate (2000, policy analysis) [html] []
State Responses to Substance Abuse Among Pregnant Women (2000, policy analysis) [html] []
Welfare Law and the Drive to Reduce 'Illegitimacy' (2000, policy analysis) [html] []
Abortion in Context: United States and Worldwide (1999, policy analysis) [html] []
U.S. Policy Can Reduce Barriers to Contraception (1999, policy analysis) [html ]
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hamper Development Efforts (1998, policy analysis) [html] []
The Cairo Consensus: Challenges for U.S. Policy at Home and Abroad (1998, policy analysis) [html]
The Role of Contraception in Reducing Abortion (1998, policy analysis) [html]
Late Term Abortions: Legal Considerations (1997, policy analysis) [html]
An Overview of Clandestine Abortion in Latin America (1996, policy analysis) [html]
The Limitations of U.S. Statistics on Abortion (1996, policy analysis) [html ]
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: A Synthesis of Research Evidence (2005, research) []
Adolescents in Burkina Faso: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005, research) []
Adolescents in Malawi: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005, research) []
Adolescents in Uganda: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005, research) []
Early Childbearing in Nigeria: A Continuing Challenge (2005, research) []
Executive Summary: In Their Own Words, Adolescents' Views on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (2005, research) []
Public Funding for Contraceptive, Sterilization and Abortion Services, FY 1980–2001 (2005, research) [html]
Reducing Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Uganda (2005, research) []
Temoignages d'Adolescents, Sur la Sante Sexuelle et Reproductive en Afrique Subsaharienne (2005, research) []
Adolescents in Ghana: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2004, research) [html] []
Contraceptive Needs and Services, 2001-2002 (2004, research) [html]
Improving Reproductive Health in the Philippines (2003, research) [html] []
special reports
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uganda: A Synthesis of Research Evidence (2005, special report) []
Assessing Costs and Benefits of Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions (2005, special report) []
Les adolescents au Burkina Faso: Santé sexuelle et reproductive (2005, special report) []
Qualitative Evidence on Adolescents Views of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (2005, special report) []
Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care (2004, special report) [html]
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: A Synthesis of Research Evidence (2004, special report) []
Risk and Protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa (2004, special report) []
Sante Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Jeunes au Burkina Faso: Un Etat des Lieux Occasional Report 12 (2004, special report) []
Sex, Marriage & Fathering: A Profile of Sub-Saharan African Men (2004, special report) [html]
Sex, Marriage and Fathering: A Profile of Latin American and Caribbean Men (2004, special report) [html]
State-by-State Teenage Pregnancy Statistics (2004, special report) []
The Unfinished Revolution in Contraception: Convenience, Consumer Access and Choice (2004, special report) []
A, B and C in Uganda: Roles of Abstinence, Monogamy and Condom Use in HIV Decline (2003, executive summary) []
A, B and C in Uganda: Roles of Abstinence, Monogamy and Condom Use in HIV Decline (2003, special report) []
Annotated Bibliography on HIV/AIDS and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa (2003, special report) []
Family Planning Annual Report: 2003 Summary (2003, special report) []
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Men Worldwide (2003, special report) [html]
National Teenage Pregnancy Statistics (2003, special report) [html] []
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of American Men (2002, special report) [html ]
Medicaid Support for Family Planning in the Managed Care Era (2001, special report) [ ]
Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries: Can More Progress Be Made? (2001, special report) [html]
Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion: Public Challenges in Latin America and The Caribbean (2001, special report) []
Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics (2000, special report) []
Potential Impact of Increased Family Planning Funding on the Lives of Women & Their Families Overseas (2000, special report) [html] []
Microbicides: A New Defense Against Sexually Transmited Diseases (1999, special report) []
Sharing Responsibility: Women, Society and Abortion Worldwide (1999, special report) [ ]
Teenagers' Pregnancy Intentions and Decisions: A Study of Young Women in California Choosing to Give Birth (1999, special report) [html] []
Why is Teenage Pregnancy Declining? The Roles of Abstinence, Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use (1999, special report) [html] []
Cost to Employer Health Plans of Covering Contraceptives: Summary Methodology and Background (1998, special report) [html ]
Into a New World: Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives (1998, executive summary) Available in:
Arabic Bahasa [html] English [html] French [html]
Portuguese [html] Spanish [html]
presentation tools
Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care (2004, special report) (2004, presentation tool) [ppt]
Contraception in the United States: Current Use and Continuing Challenges (2004, presentation tool) [ppt]
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Men Worldwide (2004, presentation tool) [ppt]
An Overview of Abortion in the U.S. (2003, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
Sex Education: Needs, Programs and Policies (2003, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
State-by-State Trends in Abortion in the United States (2003, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
Trends in Abortion in the United States, 1973-2000 (2003, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of American Men (2002, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
Fulfilling the Promise (2001, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries: (2001, presentation tool) [ppt & pdf]
Readings on Teenagers and Sex Education (2004, compilation) []
interested party memo
Critical Role of Medicaid in Financing FamilyPlanning Services—State-Level Data (2005, interested party memo) []
CMS study of Medicaid family planning waiver programs (2004, interested party memo) []
Teen Pregnancy Rate Declines: A Response to Adolescent & Family Health (2003, interested party memo) []