Rebecca Wind
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Improved Information, Particularly for Vulnerable Populations, Could Improve Care, Reduce Cancer
Undergoing regular Pap testing is critical to preventing cervical cancer, yet a lack of adequate knowledge about the test may discourage women from undergoing initial screening or returning for follow-up when they receive an abnormal result, according to “Poor Knowledge Regarding the Pap Test Among Low-Income Women Undergoing Routine Screening,” by Carmen Radecki Breitkopf et al. Overall knowledge about Pap testing is low, particularly among low-income and minority women, two at-risk groups who already face difficulties in accessing care and are relatively unlikely to receive follow-up care after an abnormal test result.
The authors found that many women undergoing cervical screening at two clinics in Texas lacked basic knowledge about what a Pap test is for, what an abnormal result means and why follow-up is important. Knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV), abnormal Pap test results and cervical cancer was particularly poor. Women who had previously experienced an abnormal result were no more likely to understand the test results or implications than women who had previously had only normal results or who had never been screened—indicating that women may not be receiving adequate counseling when they learn of abnormal results.
According to the American Social Health Association, almost all new cases of cervical cancer could be prevented with regular Pap screening. The American Cancer Society estimates that 12,200 cases will occur among American women this year, and 4,100 women will die from the disease (representing just 1% of all cancer deaths among women). Cervical cancer rates in this country are low, due primarily to the widespread availability of Pap tests. Since the introduction of the Pap test in the 1950s, cases of cervical cancer in the United States have decreased dramatically—by 74% between 1955 and 1992.
The study’s authors highlight the importance of regular screening and follow-up, but acknowledge that Pap testing is effective as a preventive measure only if women understand the test and its results, and know what to do in the event of abnormal results. They suggest that intensive patient education and increased communication between providers and patients could help familiarize socioeconomically disadvantaged women with the test and encourage them to pursue testing and follow-up.
This article appears in the June 2005 issue of Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.