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Slide and Lecture Presentation

Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics

January 2001

Share the importance of publicly funded family planning with others.

These slide presentations will make it easy to present the material published in Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics to a variety of audiences. Each one documents the need for public funding for family planning, emphasizes the individual and social benefits of the publicly funded family planning program, and explores some of the challenges the program faces.

The presentations can be downloaded as PowerPoint files, to be presented directly from a computer (with or without a projector), printed onto paper handouts or overhead transparencies, or converted to slides by a service bureau. Each presentation includes a set of slides and an accompanying script, which can be accessed by choosing the "notes pages" option for viewing or printing. (From Internet Explorer, choose [Edit] [Edit Slides] to view the PowerPoint menu options.)

If you have 10 minutes to speak: This presentation provides a high-level overview of key facts about accomplishments of and challenges to the publicly funded family planning program. (11 slides)

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If you have 20 minutes to speak: This presentation includes everything in the ten-minute version, plus additional detail on the history and evolution of the publicly funded family planning program, the services offered by publicly funded clinics, and the financial pressures clinics face. (22 slides)

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If you have 30 minutes to speak: This presentation includes everything in the 20-minute version, with additional detail on the origins of the family planning clinic system, the structure of the clinic system today, and future challenges and opportunities for publicly funded family planning. (33 slides)

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