Title List:
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
(formerly Family Planning Perspectives)
International Family Planning Perspectives
--live in the devolping world? Request a free subscription
The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy

see cover
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
(formerly Family Planning Perspectives)
This peer-reviewed, quarterly journal publishes original, policy-relevant, widely referenced research and analysis on reproductive health in the United States and other developed countries. Each issue offers unique insights into how reproductive health issues relate to one another and their implications for policy, programs and people's lives. 4 issues per year
Institutional Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $52
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Individual Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $42
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Foreign Subscription
Price: $62
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see cover
International Family Planning Perspectives
Emphasizes Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. This quarterly publishes peer-reviewed research articles for use by those concerned with fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, and population policy. All articles include summaries in Spanish and French.
Institutional Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $46
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Individual Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $36
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Foreign Subscription-other developed countries
Price: $56
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Request a free subscription
If you live in the devoloping world or if your work involves sexual and reproductive health and rights in the developing world. You may be eligible for a free subscription to International Family Planning Perspectives

see cover
The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy
The Guttmacher Report analyzes reproductive health policy-making in Washington and state capitals across the country-information critical to understanding, anticipating and effecting change. This bimonthly review relates state to national and international developments and highlights all aspects of reproductive health policy-drawing the connections between abortion, contraception, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and maternal and child health.
Institutional Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $45
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Individual Subscription (U.S.)
Price: $35
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Foreign Subscription
Price: $55
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