Title List:
Abortion and Postabortion Care in Uganda: A Report from Health Care Professionals and Health Facilities
Into a New World: Executive Summaries
A, B and C in Uganda: The Roles of Abstinence, Monogamy and Condom Use in HIV Decline
Between 1989 and 1995, when HIV rates fell steeply, Ugandans became less likely to have multiple sexual partners and more likely to use condoms. The report concludes that, particularly in the late 1980s and early 1990s, positive changes in all three areas targeted by interventions in Uganda -- abstinence, monogamy (being faithful to one partner) and condom use -- together contributed to the country's success in turning the tide of the HIV/AIDs epidemic and maintaining lower levels of infection.
The executive summary can be downloaded and printed for free. [] If you would like to purchase copies of the Executive Summary for distribution (in quantities of 5 or more) please call or
Price: $10
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Abortion and Postabortion Care in Uganda: A Report from Health Care Professionals and Health Facilities
This report is the first of a series of reports that offers research findings about unsafe abortion in Uganda
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Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
This new report jointly published by The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, makes the case for increased funding for sexual and reproductive health services— particularly in resource-poor countries—by illustrating the unusually broad societal and individual impact of investments in sexual and reproductive health.
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Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care --in French
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Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care --in Spanish
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: A Synthesis of Research Evidence
This report provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge on adolescent sexual and reproductive health issues in Ghana, with a focus on HIV prevention. It draws upon the existing body of social science research and includes both quantitative and qualitative studies with a goal of communicating key findings from existing research to a wide audience within the country.
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: A Synthesis of Research Evidence
This report is part of a larger, five-year study of adolescent sexual and reproductive health issues called Protecting the Next Generation: Understanding HIV Risk Among Youth (PNG). The primary goal of the report is to summarize what is known about adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi and to identify knowledge and program gaps requiring further research and program action.
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uganda: A Synthesis of Research Evidence
This report provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge on adolescent sexual and reproductive health issues in Uganda with a focus on HIV prevention. It draws upon the existing body of social science research and includes both quantitative and qualitative studies. Its goal is to communicate key findings from existing research to a wide audience concerned with sexual and reproductive health in Uganda.
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Assessing Costs and Benefits of Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions
The overall aim of this report is to inform policy makers and others responsible for allocating resources about the key findings of existing studies about the costs and benefits of investments in sexual and reproductive health, to identify what factors the studies encompass and what they leave out, and to provide a complete picture of what the costs and benefits would look like, including benefits that are hard to measure. This report is a technical companion to the shorter monograph Adding it Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care.
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Cost to Employer Health Plans of Covering Contraceptives
Informs the debate about the potential cost of requiring insurance plans to cover contraceptives as they do other prescription drugs and supplies. This report presents detailed and comprehensive estimates with full methodology. Author: Jacqueline E. Darroch 10 pp., 1998
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Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics
This report documents the remarkable benefits the Title X-funded U.S. family planning clinic system has provided to tens of millions of teenagers and poor and low-income women. The vibrant, full-color report demonstrates the accomplishments of publicly funded family planning, examines how the clinic system has evolved to meet new needs and funding realities, and sets forth a progressive agenda for the next stage of the program's evolution
48 pp. 2000
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Hacia un Nuevo Mundo: La vida Sexuel y Reproductiva de las Jovenes - in Spanish
Executive Summary. 6 pp. 1998
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Hopes and Realities: Closing the Gap Between Women's Aspirations and Their Reproductive Experience
Women's ability to have the number of children they want when they want them is central to the quality of their lives-and has important consequences for the future of the world. This full-color report examines the aspects of childbearing that women worldwide share by bringing together information from 39 developing countries as well as France, Japan and the United States. 56 pp., 1995
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see cover
Hopes and Realities: Executive Summary
6 pp., 1996
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Improving the Fit: Reproductive Health Services in Managed Care Settings
Synthesizes research on reproductive health coverage by managed care plans, key features that facilitate or impede access, and the extent to which plans safeguard confidentiality of care. This report also covers lessons learned from the Medicaid managed care experience and monitoring efforts regarding access and quality. Authors: Rachel Benson Gold and Cory L. Richards. 44 pp., 1996
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In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and
Reproductive Health Needs of American Men
This first-ever compilation and analysis of national research findings on the sexual and reproductive health needs of men in the United States focuses on the obstacles to meeting men's needs more effectively. With extensive charts and appendix tables, the vibrant, full-color report identifies men's changing needs for information and services as they experience the typical sexual and reproductive health milestones -- from the initiation of sexual activity to marriage to fatherhood -- and discusses their implications for policy and programs.
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In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and
Reproductive Health Needs of Men Worldwide
This report is the most comprehensive resource available on men's sexual and reproductive behavior and needs worldwide, encompassing men in 45 developing and developed countries. This full-color report incorporates a number of helpful charts and tables identifying men's sexual and reproductive health needs as they reach each life-stage from sexual initiation through marriage and parenthood.
Price: $20
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For readers in developing countries
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In Their Own Words, Adolescents' Views on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
This Research in Brief summarizes key research findings on Ugandan adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health behaviors and needs, with particular emphasis on HIV/AIDS, and points the way toward improving policies and programs.
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Into a New World: Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives
This report brings together comparable information on young women living in 53 developing and developed countries-representing nearly 75% of the world's population. Easy-to-read charts and extensive appendix tables present the latest information on
- the context of young people's lives;
- the timing of sex and marriage;
- early childbearing;
- contraceptive knowledge and practice; and
- exposure to reproductive health risks.
56 pp., 1998
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Into a New World: Executive Summary - in Arabic
Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives. 6 pp. 1998
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Into a New World: Executive Summary - in Chinese
Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives. 6 pp. 1998
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Into a New World: Executive Summary - in English
Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives. 6 pp. 1998
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Into a New World: Executive Summary - in Russian
Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives. 6 pp. 1998
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Memasuki Sebuah Dunia Baru Kehidupan Seksual Dan Reproduksi Perempuan Muda - in Bahasa
Executive Summary. 6 pp. 1998
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Rumo a um Novo Munco: A Vida Sexual e Reprodutiva de Mulheres Jovens - in Portuguese
Executive Summary. 6 pp. 1998
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Vers un Monde Nouveau: Vie Sexuelle et Procreative des Jeunes Femmes - in French
Executive Summary . 6 pp. 1998
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Espoirs et Réalitiés --French translation of Hopes and Realities
Combler l'écart entre les aspirations des femmes et leur expérience de la procréation. 63pp., 1995
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Medicaid Support for Family Planning in the Managed Care Era
Medicaid, which has become the largest source of financial support for publicly funded contraceptive services and supplies in the United States, has undergone a fundamental transition over the last decade. By the end of the 1990s, most low-income women and children receiving Medicaid obtained their care through managed care plans. This report examines key issues related to Medicaid and family planning in this new environment, emphasizing federal standards including vital protections for poor women seeking family planning that were slated to go into effect in April 2001, but have been delayed by the Bush Administration. Authors: Rachel Benson Gold and Cory L. Richards. 28 pp., 2001.
Price: $15
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Microbicides: A New Defense Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Microbicides are the newest potential weapon in the war against raging rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. This report documents current U.S. rates of STDs, treatment costs and methods of prevention, the state of research on microbicides, and findings from The Alan Guttmacher Institute's studies on women's perceived risk of contracting STDs and their interest in using microbicides. Authors: Deirdre Wulf, Jennifer J. Frost and Jacqueline E. Darroch. 28 pp., 1999
Price: $7.50
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Qualitative Evidence on Adolescents Views of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
This qualitative study examines how young people in Sub-Saharan Africa view sexual and reproductive health issues. Such as abstinence, condom use and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and what they think of sources of sexual and reproductive health information and services. The data comes from 55 focus group discussions conducted in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda in 2003. Focus groups in- and out-of-school youth ages 14 - 19 who lived in urban and rural areas.
Price: $10.00
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Risk and Protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
Using recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 24 countries, this report provides a regional overview of adolescents' knowledge of HIV/AIDS and behaviors that put them at risk of or protect them from infection. It also examines the social and economic context of adolescents' lives in an effort to understand the progression of the epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Sex and America's Teenagers
Provides the facts about the trends in teenage sexual activity and contraceptive use; the incidence and consequences of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy; and the effects of program and policy interventions on teenage sexual behavior and pregnancy. 88 pp., 1994
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Sex, Marriage and Fathering: A Profile of Latin American and Caribbean Men
This regional summary highlights information on the sexual and reproductive needs of men in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Spanish translation
Sexo, matrimonio y paternidad: un perfil del hombre latinoamericano y caribano
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Sex, Marriage and Fathering: A Profile of Sub-Saharan African Men
This summary provides an overview of the sexual and reproductive health behavior and needs of men aged 15-54 in 22 Sub-Saharan Africa countries for which nationally representative survey data are available. Except where noted, the information presented is drawn from The Alan Guttmacher Institute's 2003 report In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Men Worldwide.
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French translation
Sexualité, marriage et paternité: Profil de l'homme d'Afrique subsahariene
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Sharing Responsibility: Women, Society and Abortion Worldwide
This colorful report provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on the major factors that contribute to unplanned pregnancy and abortion in both legal and illegal circumstances around the world. Learn about
- why women decide to have abortions;
- abortion laws and regulations;
- abortion rates in 61 countries;
- the quality and availability of abortion services;
- abortion methods used by medical and lay practitioners and women themselves; and
- the impact of unsafe abortion on the health and lives of women in many regions of the world.
Includes explanatory charts and six appendix tables with detailed supporting data. 56 pp., 1999
Price: $20
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Teenagers' Pregnancy Intentions and Decisions: A Study of Young Women in California Choosing to Give Birth
Why do some teenagers decide to have a baby? This report examines the factors influencing teenagers' decisions to become pregnant and to carry their pregnancies to term. Based on an in-depth survey of pregnant teenagers, the report includes the full survey instrument and detailed tables presenting all results. Authors: Jennifer J. Frost and Selene Oslak. 64 pp., 1999
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Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries:
Can More Progress Be Made?
Despite recent, dramatic declines in rates of pregnancy and birth among U.S. teenagers, these rates continue to be much higher than in comparable developed countries. This multiyear study, conducted with researchers from Canada, Great Britain, France and Sweden, explores why these differences in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases exist and what can be done. 122 pp, 2001
The Executive Summary of this report can be downloaded and printed for free. [] If you would like to purchase copies of the Executive Summary for distribution (in quantities of 5 or more), please call or .
Price: $15
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Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries:
Country Reports for Canada, France, Great Britain, Sweden and the United States
Each report provides an in-depth study of adolescent sexual and reproductive behavior, societal attitudes about sexuality, reproductive health services for adolescents, and public policy and programs for disadvantaged groups in the focus country.
Price: $15 each
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Témoignages d'Adolescents, Sur la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive en Afrique Subsaharienne
This Research in Brief summarizes key research findings on Ugandan adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health behaviors and needs, with particular emphasis on HIV/AIDS, and points the way toward improving policies and programs.
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Title X at 25: Balancing National Family Planning Needs With State Flexibility
Addresses two key questions: Is there still a need for an identifiable federal family planning effort, and what are the implications of recreating Title X as a state-administered program? Title X at 25 is an indispensable resource for policymakers, activists, providers and anyone concerned about the future of family planning. Authors: Lisa Kaeser, Rachel Benson Gold and Cory L. Richards. 28 pp., 1996
Price: $5
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Why Is Teenage Pregnancy Declining? The Roles of Abstinence, Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use
Declines in teenage pregnancy rates in the United States, while encouraging, will be difficult to maintain without an understanding of their causes. This report provides quantitative breakdowns of declines in teenage pregnancy rates, birthrates and abortion rates by age, race and ethnicity. It documents that about 25% of these declines occurred because of decreased sexual activity, and 75% resulted from more effective contraceptive practice. Authors: Jacqueline E. Darroch and Susheela Singh. 24 pp., 1999
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