In Special Recognition

The Guttmacher Institute honors Robert A. Diamond, MD, for his personal commitment and leadership in establishing the Legacy Circle. The Legacy Circle, formed in 2004, honors the growing number of supporters who, through their thoughtfulness and generosity, have included the Institute in their will or estate plans. By naming the Institute in his will, Dr. Diamond helps ensure that sound evidence, analysis and ideas promote sexual and reproductive health for generations to come.
Dr. Diamond, a retired obstetrician-gynecologist and long-time Board member, remains an active volunteer with the Institute and serves as the chair of the Board’s Alumni Association.
The Guttmacher Institute thanks Dr. Diamond for his foresight and dedication.
Since its founding in 1968, the Guttmacher Institute has blended research, policy analysis and public education to further reproductive health and rights in the United States and throughout the world.
Through its activities, the Guttmacher Institute fosters programs and policies that help to prevent unintended pregnancies; guarantee the freedom to terminate unwanted pregnancies; protect the ability to have children and achieve wanted pregnancies; preserve a woman's health and well-being throughout pregnancy and childbirth; and promote the birth of healthy babies.
Over the years, women and men like you who know the power of objective, trustworthy information have supported the Institute with their gifts--large and small. All are important and all make a difference. If you plan ahead, you can make a lasting gift that also has important implications for your future income, your current tax position and the size of your estate.
What is the Legacy Circle?

The LEGACY CIRCLE exists to acknowledge those loyal friends who have had the foresight and dedication to include the Institute in their estate plans. By honoring LEGACY CIRCLE members in our publications, such as our annual report, we hope other supporters will be inspired to follow suit.
Enrolling in this honorary society is simply a matter of advising the Institute that you have included it in your will, no matter the size of your bequest. We do not need to know the specific details of your estate plan.
We will not waste money sending LEGACY CIRCLE members trinkets or certificates but we would like to be able to express our gratitude to you for your generosity.
LEGACY CIRCLE members will enjoy:
- special recognition in our annual report (or the option to be anonymous)
- complimentary subscriptions to our journals and special publications
- an alliance with others who share your vision for a better future
- invitations to regional AGI events
How to include the Guttmacher Institute in your will.
It is very important that gifts to the Institute made in your will be clear as to the recipient. The full and complete name to use is the Guttmacher Institute. The address is 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005. Our tax I.D. number is 13-289072-7.
The following examples are typical of language used in wills:
For a Bequest of Money:
I give the sum of $_________ (or _____% of the value of my estate) to the Guttmacher Institute.
Personal Property:
I give my (insert type of property, such as jewelry, artwork) to the Guttmacher Institute.
Real Estate:
I give all my interest in the real property that I own at (exact address) to the Guttmacher Institute.
Residuary Estate:
I give the residue of my estate to the Guttmacher Institute.
Contingent Bequest:
If (the primary beneficiary) does not survive me, I give the property, real or personal, that said beneficiary would have received to the Guttmacher Institute.
What your will means to you...
Along with providing for your loved ones, your will can be a tribute to the principles and values that you have upheld in your life.
The reality is that no matter what the size of your estate, you should have a will. Without a will, your estate will be distributed according to state laws, and unfortunately, these laws may differ from your preferences. Creating a will is the single most important step you can take to ensure that your final wishes will be carried out.
Your will may also be your most meaningful opportunity to establish a legacy for the work of those organizations whose work is closest to your heart.
Why include the Guttmacher Institute in your will?
As a friend of the Institute, we know you share our dream of a day when women and men worldwide have the ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities regarding sexual behavior, reproduction and family formation freely and with dignity. By including the Institute in your will, you will not only be an integral part of the Institute’s present, but a key to its future and that of sexual and reproductive health and rights for generations to come.
When you remember the Guttmacher Institute in your estate plans you join other supporters as visionaries who recognize the necessity for our unparalleled research and policy analysis and its position at the vanguard of protecting and advancing the sexual and reproductive health of the world.
You may wish to make a substantial tax-saving gift but would like to have continued income. With a CRT, cash, stocks, bonds or real estate are put into an irrevocable trust. The trust pays annual income to you (and/or others you may choose). At its predetermined expiration or the time of your (and your named beneficiary's) death, the remainder of the trust goes to the Guttmacher Institute
If you prefer to make a substantial gift now and have the principal revert to your chosen beneficiaries later, you can place cash, securities or real estate into an irrevocable trust. In this case, the trust would pay income to the Guttmacher Institute for a fixed period that you determine, and the trust's principal would eventually return to you or be passed on to your heirs.
This is another way for you to perpetuate your commitment to the Guttmacher Institute's work. You can donate a fully paid up insurance policy and receive a tax deduction based on the policy's value or premiums paid. Or you may take out a new policy and name the Institute as the irrevocable beneficiary. In this instance, the premiums are deductible. You can also donate a policy on which some premiums are still owed.
Similarly, the Guttmacher Institute may also be named as a beneficiary of pensions, IRAs, Keoghs or other tax-sheltered annuities.
To receive fixed and guaranteed annuity payments for the rest of your life (and/or for the life of a second person if you desire), you can choose to purchase a CGA. A portion of the income will be free from federal income tax, as will a portion of any capital gains tax, because a part of your annuity will be considered a gift to the Guttmacher Institute. Your rate of return on the annuity depends on your age at the time of the gift.
You may give a current or secondary residence to the Guttmacher Institute and retain the right to live there for life (or a chosen survivor's lifetime). You receive a tax deduction based on the present value of the property (subject to certain limitations).
The Guttmacher Institute participates in the Pooled Income Fund of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Participation in the fund enables you to receive income for life and an immediate income tax deduction.
Stocks and other financial assets that have increased in value are especially well suited for this type of gift, since no capital gains tax is paid on the sale of the asset by the Fund. The minimum initial gift is $5,000. Subsequent gifts may be as small as $1,000.
A contribution to the Guttmacher Institute's endowment is a gift that gives in perpetuity and allows the donor, if you choose, to designate how the funds shall be used. Usually, only the income from the gift is disbursed, while the principal remains untouched forever.
It is very important that gifts to the Institute made in your will be clear as to the recipient. The full and complete name to use is the Guttmacher Institute.
The address is 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005.
This information is not intended as specific legal advice. Consult your attorney when considering any legal matter. State laws which govern wills and contracts vary and are subject to change.