Sexual Behavior Titles
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
formerly Family Planning Perspectives
International Family Planning Perspectives
A, B and C in Uganda: The Roles of Abstinence, Monogamy and Condom Use in HIV Decline
Abortion and Postabortion Care in Uganda: A Report from Health Care Professionals and Health Facilities (2005)
Adding It Up: The Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: A Synthesis of Research Evidence
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: A Synthesis of Research Evidence
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uganda: A Synthesis of Research Evidence (2005)
Assessing Costs and Benefits of Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions (2005)
Hopes and Realities: Closing the Gap Between Women's Aspirations and Their Reproductive Experience
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of American Men
In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Men Worldwide
In Their Own Words, Adolescents' Views on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (2005)
Into a New World: Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives
Into a New World: Executive Summaries
Qualitative Evidence on Adolescents Views of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Risk and Protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sex and America's Teenagers
Sex, Marriage and Fathering: A Profile of Latin American and Caribbean Men
Sex, Marriage and Fathering: A Profile of Sub-Saharan African Men
Teenagers' Pregnancy Intentions and Decisions: A Study of Young Women in California Choosing to Give Birth
Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries:
Can More Progress Be Made?
Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries:
Country Reports for Canada, France, Great Britain, Sweden and United States
Témoignages d'Adolescents, Sur la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive en Afrique Subsaharienne (2005)
Why Is Teenage Pregnancy Declining? The Roles of Abstinence, Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use
Readings on Emergency Contraception
Readings on Men
Issues in Brief
Welfare Law and the Drive to Reduce 'Illegitimacy' (2000)
Facts in Brief
Contraceptive Use
Sexual and Reproductive Health: Women and Men
Teenagers' Sexual and Reproductive Health
Teen Sex and Pregnancy
Research in Brief
Adolescents in Burkina Faso: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005)
Adolescents in Ghana: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2004)
Adolescents in Malawi: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005)
Adolescents in Uganda: Sexual and Reproductive Health (2005)
Early Childbearing in Nigeria: A Continuing Challenge (2005)
Improving Reproductive Health in the Philippines
Reducing Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Uganda (2005)